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Edition I

February 2023

Recent Posts

Brexit Saga: UK’s Arranged Marriage and Hesitant Divorce

✍️ Kaashvi R and Sakhi Saswat Panda

Published: 2023-03-26
What happened in 2016?

Is it time to replace Mahatma Gandhi’s Picture on Indian currency notes

✍️ Achal Lokesh Ambiger & Maanish Gowda

Published: 2023-03-26
An in-depth analysis

Recent Events

Rules of Procedure Orientation

Date: 2022-11-18

Time: 3:30 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall 2

This event is over!

Orientation MUNDay

Date: 2022-09-26

Time: 12:45 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall 2

This event is over!

Meet Our Heads

core member

Abhiram Dasika

core member

Harsh Somvanshi